As much as I selfishly looked forward to the peace that would surely come with only having one teenager in the home to worry about, I realized just how much the seemingly troubling "issues" were paramount in keeping my ultimate peace! Today I long for a phone call, email or facebook post, only to find a daughter that is too busy with friends and her hectic schedule to have a minute to contact her parents.

My husband gently reminds me of how we treated our parents at that age, putting our friends first, not contacting them for weeks at a time, and not even realizing the hurt that we may have caused them. He reminds me of how the Bible tells us ultimately to leave our mothers and our homes when we are married...I wonder if this is what it means to "raise our children in sorrow".
As our youngest daughter looks at getting her driver's license and finishes her first year of high school I can't help but realize how it seems like yesterday that our oldest was doing the same. Seems like just yesterday. These precious moments are fleeting.
Enjoy your precious time with your children, for too soon they will be gone.

I must say that Mary does have the MOST AWESOME friends at college and I'm so thankful for that! :) I would have a difficult time calling home too if I had those peeps :) LOL Love you Alena, April, Jessica and Trey .. !