Our adult daughter,age 20, whom we adopted at the age of seven, walked out angry last week. She has not been home since.
She had a horrible childhood, or so I hear. Granted she was in trouble quite often and frequently had to hear me yell at her. She lost privileges on a routine basis. Apparently, I’ve exaggerated those stories, she was never that naughty, or so I hear.
If I point out that, she maintained the same placement for 14 years without respite care, when many families would have disrupted, I’m accused of seeking martyrdom. When I’m accused of not displaying love or affection for her on a regular basis, I remember the countless nights of tears and prayers, begging God to help me stick it out, just one more day. We did give her every possible opportunity for success that we could think of doing.
Every summer for nine years, she went to summer camp. When she was 17, we took a family missions trip to Mexico. Every Sunday she went to Sunday school, every Wednesday she went to Childrens programs. Once she was old enough, she attended youth group every Wednesday night without fail and participated in several Bible Study Groups.
She took horseback riding lessons and piano lessons for several years. She belonged to 4-H and won awards in her Bible Quiz Team. She turned 16 and became gainfully employed. When she turned in her application, she was hired on the spot, and began working immediately. She was provided a new car, which she paid on along with her insurance.
She was homeschooled most of her life, with the exception of 10th and 12 grades in which she attended a Christian school and recieved her diploma. She passed a college freshman English course while in eleventh grade in high school with a B. She attended one of the best Bible Colleges full-time, free of charge.
I wish my parents had treated me so badly.
This is just another page in our story. I am trusting God to accomplish that which he has set out to do.