We would not have our own children. It was a decision that was made for us many years ago, years before we met. The thing is, we were locked in..in love...ONE...so, naturally we wanted to raise a family. We began to pray about adoption. I think it is pretty amazing how the LORD seems to just drop specific things into our spirits that we should pray for.
Doors began to open and we began walking through. We signed up for adoption classes with Gwinnett County DFACS. The paperwork red tape itself was a huge challenge, as is just about anything and everything involving our fair government. Gwinnett County DFACS is no different.
Of course we dreamed of an infant, wrapped in "swaddling clothes", the smell of anything Johnson's put out for Baby's, but God had other plans for us...
More praying..
I was beginning to seriously feel impressed to pray for a girl. So, I started down that road. Over the course of fulfilling the 12 week adoption class requirements, we learned that we must accomplish many things, that, to us, had absolutely nothing to do with adopting children. (bureaucracy at its finest). We had to have a certain size septic tank, psychological exams, physicals, more i's to dot and t's to cross than anyone could imagine. It's a wonder anyone withstands the process. It compares to labor pains....but on an emotional level.. yes, emotional labor pains...
More prayer...
God seemed to be speaking to our heart about our prayers. I was deep in prayer one evening and it was as though he said "Pray for two"... Pray for two daughters...?? ok.. so, the vigil began... 2 daughters...
We finished our classes... got the certificate and was told... "Don't expect anything right away. Some people wait years... and, by the way, whatever you do "DON'T GET ATTACHED TO THE CHILDREN". RIIIIIIGHT!
The call came that weekend.
"Mrs. Haney?"
"There is a little girl at Gwinnett Medical needing placement".
At that point my heart flew out of my chest to heaven and back... (I felt as close as I ever had relating to how the Lord Jesus may have felt leading captivity captive.)
"I have to call my husband... I'll call you right back".
"Hi Ron"
"DFACS is calling and they said they have a little girl, what should we do?".
"Well, go get her!"
Two daughters? Must have been my wires getting crossed...
I arrived at the hospital where Elizabeth, Mary and Shane were in an examination room. Liz was sitting on the exam table and Mary and Shane were busy playing with toys...
Mary Anne (the case worker) introduced me to Liz and to Mary and Shane. Shane was very wary of me. I took him to the side and looked him in the eyes and promised I would take very good care of his sister. He seemed skeptical, but I think he believed my sincerity. Mary was so busy playing she seemed oblivious... I remember thinking... Mary sure seems like a happy little girl.
I carried Elizabeth to the car. She held on tight. She was quiet but cooperative. She was two years old. They told me to save her clothes, but they were so old and I just had to throw them away. I wish now I would have kept them. It was the only link she had to her past, besides her brother and sister.
We had fixed up her room with bunkbeds and a dresser. She wasn't very receptive the first few days. As a matter of fact she stood in her room crying much of the time the first day. Ron, right away began to console and comfort. God was beginning to knit our hearts together.
From the very first day she called me "Momma Ginger"...
(to be continued...)