As the time rapidly approaches that we travel to Crown College to be sure Mary is safe in the arms of her resident assistant, I feel like Hannah may have felt the night before taking Samuel to Eli to serve the Lord at the Temple.
Did Hannah have the same thoughts as I do this early morning hour? Did she go back to the day when Samuel became part of her heart? Did she wonder if the good outweighed the bad in her raising this child? Did she ponder how God had blessed her, if only temporarily, with a child, knowing she would have to give it back one day? And, what about how our Great God must have felt allowing His Only Begotten Son to die on a cruel rugged cross so that we might live with him eternally?
As I hand my daughter back to her Heavenly Father I can't help but cry tears of grief along with tears of joy.
Tears of grief as I think of all the things I should have taken time to do with her. Tears of grief over the things I took way to seriously throughout our years together. Tears of grief over how I will miss her sweet spirit and kindness in our home. Tears of grief over the joy she brought to our lives that will be but a memory.
Tears of joy as I think of the Creator of the universe loving me enough to give me a daughter such as Mary. Tears of joy as I think of Him lovingly looking down upon her and seeing her need. Tears of joy as I think of Him lovingly looking down upon me and seeing my need and putting us together as Mother and Daughter. Tears of joy as I see a church family rally around this child as she prepares for her next step in the journey. Tears of joy as I think of the possiblity of Almighty God using our daughter Mary to draw others unto Him.
He will take care of her as he has been doing all of her life. I know there will be times of sadness as we miss the 'little things' that we took for granted. His Word reminds me that His Grace is all sufficient and His strength is made perfect in our weakness.
How did Hannah's younger children handled their older sibling leaving their home? I think of our own Lizzie-Beth and how she must be feeling about her sister leaving. Mary has been here from the beginning... and now it all seems to have happened so fast!
How did Hannah's husband handled his beloved child leaving home? Or, how did Rebecca's father feel as his beloved daughter lited upon a camel in search of her future? Did he greatly miss his daughter, and did he have difficulty dealing with his emotions?

And yet in these early pre-dawn hours He whispers to me "My child, My Grace is sufficient, My Strength is made perfect in your weakness." and it is well with my soul.